Every event that aims to bring together a good number of researchers, both the renowned researchers and the young, must have a scholarship system that allows in-person Access to the congress.

      For this reason, the Spanish Institute of Egyptology and Coptology-SIEC / Instituto Español de Egiptología y Coptología-IEEC has decided to establish a minimum system of grants.

      In this sense, two partial and two total scholarships are hereby announced for those researchers who require the award of such compensations. The scholarships will take care of the lodging and maintenance of the applicants. The Spanish Institute of Egyptology and Coptology will establish the hotel in which the scholarship holders can be registered, a collaborating entity that will be notified in the third circular. The scholarships will be delivered on March 8, 2025, although they will e notified in the fouth circular.

To request the scholarship, contact the following email:

The Organizing Commitee will award the four scholarships based on the criteria that will be established in the third circular.

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